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Italy Newreality

SARA LOSES - The access to the National Finals

Italy|2023|Documentary, Experimental|9’13”|DCP|Color|Asian Premiere

This experimental documentary seeks to capture what cannot be seen in sports games churned out by the mass media. It reveals the world and people outside the screen and, above all, subtle emotions found in that time and space. In this film, where its structure conveys its theme, viewers might find themselves baffled by the fixed image they see, but it is they who should try to decipher the dialogue between an eliminated rhythmic gymnast and her coach. (LEE Sanghoon)


Silvia Poeta Paccati


Producer│ALMA ARES
Script, Cinematographer, Editor│Silvia Poeta Paccati
Sound│Federico Chiari, Piera Comune
Cast│Sara Benigni, Svetlana Voronkova, Sara Colombo

Contact Silvia Poeta Paccati


2024-04-26 Cinematheque 14:30 Italy Newreality
2024-04-30 Cinema Ⅱ 14:00 Italy Newreality
